About Oddly Shaped Shaper


Mark Layton

Founder, Oddly Shaped Shaper

Since I was little, I have felt strongly attracted to water and was happier in the water than on land. Can you imagine when my cousin lent me a surfboard, and I entered the world of surfing thanks to my brother?

Unfortunately, in Guatemala, where I lived at the time, I only had the opportunity to go so often. Once I moved to Costa Rica, shortly after, I met the love of my life, who built our homestead with lots of ideas, energy, and love. And with this, my opportunity to create Oddly Shaped Shaper (OSS) and provide a surfboard repair service. This journey that I have taken has been very gratifying for me since it seems better to repair than to buy. And Meeting people and seeing the happiness with which they return to the water with their board ready is an incredible feeling.

Passion for surfing


Ready to fix your board


Bad Vibes
